Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Do you have 15 minutes??

I realize how busy our lives are, especially those mothers with younger children. At this very moment you are probably wishing you had an extra hour in the day to be able to get done the very many tasks on your “to do” list.

Believe it or not I do understand as you try to get the children situated, keep the house looking clean, and at the same time making sure that there are healthy meals for all to eat.  As busy we are however, we must find the time to pray. If we spend the time first thing in the morning before the rest of the household is awake truly will set the tone for our day.
Giving God the first 15 minutes of our day can give us an extra 1-2 hours in our day.  As we commit our day to God, He will tell you the way to go about getting done the things you need to do. We simple need to listen and follow what He tells you.  God has a way of working out the kinks in our day and making it run so much more smoothly.  He has a way of anticipating and providing all the resources that we will need to accomplish what is necessary for each day. We find that things that looked so insurmountable to us was really “a piece of cake” after given it all to Him.

I also realize that spending the first few minutes of my 15 minutes of prayer in just worshipping Him for who He is before even asking Him for anything, makes my day even more successful. I also find that when I take some of the focus off myself and start to pray for other people causes even more surprises and unexpected blessings throughout my day. Why not give up those 15 minutes, or perhaps 10? What about 5 minutes?  If that is all you have, that is a start you can gradually build on it.

There is so much happening around us that we cannot afford not to pray.  In case you cannot find anything to pray about-here are a few things-

1.      Start by just thanking Him for being a good God and for loving you in such an incredible way that despite your shortcomings He is still full of compassion and is merciful to you.

2.      Check out our September Calendar as we continue to pray for 100 cities over 100 days. We are almost at the end.

3.      Continue to Pray for those affected by the Ebola virus in West Africa and let us pray for the protection of all those who have volunteered to work in these countries

4.      Pray for protection and the safety of our children as they return to school and college. The semester has just started and there have been tragedies already.

5.      Let us pray for a solution of how our leaders can deal with ISIS- this Islamic militant group that gets enjoyment in the barbaric things they do- such as beheading the 2nd American person in about a week.

6.      Let us pray that our young people will not be drawn to join this group but will instead find validation in themselves through Jesus Christ. We have many young men from Canada, England and the USA who have been recruited and have joined ISIS.

Your prayers do make a difference

In His Service,


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