Monday, December 28, 2015

A New Beginning

In just three short days we will be saying goodbye to 2015 and welcoming 2016.

What are your thoughts as this New Year approaches? As you anticipate this ‘new’ year, what images come to your mind?

 Here is what comes to my mind as I reflect on the word “new”- different, firsthand, fresh, original, turning point and innovative.  As you approach 2016, think of how you can make this a turning point in your life.

Here are a few thoughts: Let us embrace 2016 with the determination to keep your hope alive.  In order for us to take advantage of this opportunity, we will need to let go of some old ways of thinking, old habits, negative ways of speaking and believe it or not some "old" friends and companions.

Let me remind you of a popular scripture verse we often quote: Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

 Reading this verse brings me to another thing we need to leave behind in 2015 and that is our "old perception." We need to see things in an entirely different way. We need to understand that God will always make a way for us regardless of how things may sometimes look.  We must allow ourselves to truly experience the incredible love that God has for us.

So instead of seeing our bad experiences, and difficult times in 2015 as obstacles, let us see them as merely stepping stones.  For 2016 I want you to see God as your source and not your resource; see Him as having the answers to all your questions and not just as a mere onlooker. 


In His Service,


Saturday, December 26, 2015

A change in direction

I trust you had a great Christmas with your family and friends. The holidays are usually a very special time for many. For some it is a time of fun, food and fellowship. It's a time to exchange gifts and to catch up on family members you may not have seen or heard from in a long time.
Unfortunately for others the holidays are anticipated with fear, heartaches and a sense of loneliness especially if they have lost a loved one or if they are going through a  major relationship break up or experiencing conflicts within their families.
It is important that we reach out to those people who fit in the latter category. These are people that need hope by being reminded how much they ae loved by God.  This brings me to some exciting changes in my ministry that I need to share with you.
Having been through many tough situations in my life- I feel that God is now calling me to expand my ministry from simple Empowering mothers to pray for their children- to one which will help people in general who have lost their faith in God reconnect with Him. This new ministry is now called: "The Turning Point" and will incorporate MPUSH, SPARK change for high school girls and the praying wives.
It is very exciting and at the same time daunting, but I know that many will be blessed through this ministry. Regardless of what we go through in life we must understand that God is a good God and that He would not do anything to cause us (His children) pain.   So stay tuned for a new and exciting year ahead.
Let me also take this opportunity to wish you and your family every blessing that God has in store for you for 2016.  Make 2016 your "turning point"
In His Service,

Monday, December 21, 2015

Make it happen Monday

In Mathew 19:16-22 we read the story of a rich young ruler who went to Jesus to ask what he should do to inherit Eternal life. As the conversation continues with Jesus we find that this young man was living an upright life, and had kept the law from a young child.

He was very pleased with himself and must have smiled thinking t “surely I have this all together”. Jesus however, surprised him by telling him that he was lacking something. Jesus told him "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me.

Unfortunately this young man became sad and walked away from the opportunity of having eternal life. His love for God somehow did not translate to having love for others. I often marvel at this young man - he was willing to lose his soul rather than share his earthly treasure.

This rich young man could have made it happen for him- “Eternal life” He could also have made it happen for a lot of needy people by giving them some money from the sale of his vast possessions.

What can you do today to make some other person’s day? As you make your last- minute shopping and wrapping of gifts, think of someone in your neighborhood, your church or work that you can buy a gift for. Let us spread our love a little further than our homes this Christmas.

In His Service,


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Foolish, weak or both?

I am so fascinated by this verse of scripture in I Corinthians 1: 27. This is what it says:

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

There are many times that God chooses us to do some things and we don't for the simple fact that what He has asked looks and sounds down right foolish. However if we are obedient in the end people will be simple amazed at what you are able to accomplish, and the lives that have been touched. 

God requires our total dependence on Him, when He does things through us there should be no mistake that it is God. He opens doors for jobs that you are not qualified for and make you excel.  He brings people into your path for you to encourage and strengthen that blows your mind as well as theirs

Take a look at the story of Noah building an ark for many years in anticipation for rain that he has never seen or heard of before.  To everyone around him, this was absolutely foolish, but in the end his family and a number of animals were saved- it took him 120 years.

What of Abraham picking up his family and telling people that he was going somewhere, which he really had no clue about? Look at Abraham and Sarah so far pass the age for conception- how foolish Sarah must have looked pregnant in her 90's.

What of Moses with a little staff to part the red sea, what about the feeding of the five thousands with two fish and five small loaves? To the natural mind and through our physical eyes these things look and sound foolish, but check the end of each of these stories and see how God manifested His greatness.

Be that foolish weak person and just do what God is calling you to do and see how the wise and the strong get confused

In His Service,


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Uplifting Words

Jesus and Paul are examples for us in their use of uplifting words to encourage.

We find Jesus always offering us hope and encouragement even at very difficult times in our lives or times when we know we had blown it. Can you hear Jesus saying- "be not afraid for I am with you" Can you hear words like I have come to set the captive free, to deliver those who are oppressed, to give a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness etc.(Isa.61).

In his many letters to the various churches we see Paul encouraging and uplifting the saints. As much as he rebuked them for things they were not doing right, he never left them without encouragement.

Today we find that many people are bowed down under heavy emotional loads and are weary of life's struggles. They crave an uplifting word. Let us not turn away- instead follow the example of Jesus and offer some words of encouragement. Pleasant words not only encourage but can lift us up to high places (Prov. 22:11).

In His Service,
