Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Foolish, weak or both?

I am so fascinated by this verse of scripture in I Corinthians 1: 27. This is what it says:

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

There are many times that God chooses us to do some things and we don't for the simple fact that what He has asked looks and sounds down right foolish. However if we are obedient in the end people will be simple amazed at what you are able to accomplish, and the lives that have been touched. 

God requires our total dependence on Him, when He does things through us there should be no mistake that it is God. He opens doors for jobs that you are not qualified for and make you excel.  He brings people into your path for you to encourage and strengthen that blows your mind as well as theirs

Take a look at the story of Noah building an ark for many years in anticipation for rain that he has never seen or heard of before.  To everyone around him, this was absolutely foolish, but in the end his family and a number of animals were saved- it took him 120 years.

What of Abraham picking up his family and telling people that he was going somewhere, which he really had no clue about? Look at Abraham and Sarah so far pass the age for conception- how foolish Sarah must have looked pregnant in her 90's.

What of Moses with a little staff to part the red sea, what about the feeding of the five thousands with two fish and five small loaves? To the natural mind and through our physical eyes these things look and sound foolish, but check the end of each of these stories and see how God manifested His greatness.

Be that foolish weak person and just do what God is calling you to do and see how the wise and the strong get confused

In His Service,


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