Monday, October 27, 2014

Get out of the boat

Yesterday, pastor preached from the story about Peter walking on water at the command of Jesus which is found in Mathew 14:22-30. I have read this story numerous times, and have heard several sermons preached from this text and each time I listen in amazement at how the events unfold.
Jesus actually compelled his disciples to get in the boat without him, telling them that they were going to the other side. While the boat was in the midst of the sea there was a storm, the boat was being tossed around because the wind was blowing the opposite direction of where the boat needed to go. Jesus turns up walking on the sea and the disciples thinking he was a spirit, cried out in fear.
Jesus reassured the disciples that it was Him and they should not be afraid. Peter promptly responded "if this is You, allow me to come to you on the water. Jesus responded by telling Him to "come". Without hesitation Peter proceeded to walk on water, amazing!!!  However as the waves continue Peter took his eyes off Jesus concerned about the waves and started to sink. He criedut to Jesus who promptly came to his rescue.
It is just reassuring to know that if Jesus tells us that we will accomplish a task or goal that we should believe that it will happen. As you can see, the disciples were told about their destination, but not about their journey getting to that destination. I am sure that if most of us knew the journey, we would hesitate or refuse to travel the path.

We must understand that our journey through life will have some contrary winds, large waves and rocky boats, however we cannot focus on these things, instead we must keep our focus on Christ and keep walking. Whenever we feel afraid, it’s OK to call out to Him, He will come to your rescue.
Sometimes we question our decision to get out of the boat, we think we may not have heard correctly when Jesus has called us, and at times we become afraid thinking that we won’t make it to our destination.

What is God calling you to do, that you have not done because you believe you can’t do it?  Be a” Peter” step out of the boat- and do the impossible- walk on water. Put your faith in action and Trust His judgment. He already knows the journey; nothing along the way will surprise Him. He is equipped for whatever storm will come upon you.
Make it happen for you- step out of your boat!

In His Service

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