Thursday, August 14, 2014

May there be peace and Justice

It is very sad to hear of all that is going on in St Louis, Missouri, stemming from the recent killing by the police of 18 year old un-armed Michael Brown, a black teenager. Things have gotten so bad that the Missouri highway patrol has seized control of the St Louis suburb- Ferguson, stripping local police of their law-enforcement authority.  It would appear that this community is in a state of disarray as one group fights against the other finding no solution.

 Words cannot begin to express the grief and pain that this mother and the rest of Michael’s family must be going through. This incident is a tragedy of immense proportions and this family’s life will never be the same again.

  Emotions are high in this city as people no doubt are remembering quite vividly the Trayvon Martin case, not so long ago. I can imagine the frustration and helplessness that some may be feeling as they are perhaps convinced that there is no justice for some. However our protest and outrage need to be handled in a more civilized manner.  I cannot understand what looting and destroying other people’s property has to do with justice. The individuals whose properties were destroyed and things stolen I am sure had nothing to do with Michael Brown being killed.

 What is the answer? Yes we should peacefully make our dissatisfaction be known, but we should also seek God’s face that justice will prevail. As Hagar said of God in Genesis 16: 13 “You are the God who sees me" we can also say today-He is the God who is seeing what is happening to us. God not only see’s what s happening, He knows who is right and who is wrong and He has a way of turning situations around if we just let Him. Please continue to pray for this family that they will find comfort and peace in this very difficult time.

In His Service,


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