Monday, August 18, 2014

Going through your storm

 I feel compelled to write a word of encouragement to all of you mothers who may be going through a difficult time at the moment.
Whenever we are going through something we tend to withdraw from others, question our faith, question God or we start to question what we may have done to cause these things to happen to us.
Here are some things to remember if you are a child of God.

 1. God loves you unconditionally- that means that He has no intention to hurt you, to cause you pain or make your life unbearable

 2. God is a forgiving God-The scripture tells us in I John 1:9 that-If we confess our sins He is Faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Not only does God forgive us but He also forgets about the wrong we have done. Our past is not a factor in our present or our future unless you decide to hold on to it.

 3. God wants to see you prosper and do well and hence He has a well thought out plan for your life. Just trust Him.

 4. Some things we go through are purely to bring God glory and not because of something we or our parents did wrong.

 5. God promises never to leave you but will be with you as you go through your dark valley and will sustain you through your journey

 6. Take your eyes off your problem and instead focus on God. In doing this we minimize the problem and magnify God

 7. Praise your way through your situation until you get your breakthrough.

In His Service,


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