Monday, December 28, 2015

A New Beginning

In just three short days we will be saying goodbye to 2015 and welcoming 2016.

What are your thoughts as this New Year approaches? As you anticipate this ‘new’ year, what images come to your mind?

 Here is what comes to my mind as I reflect on the word “new”- different, firsthand, fresh, original, turning point and innovative.  As you approach 2016, think of how you can make this a turning point in your life.

Here are a few thoughts: Let us embrace 2016 with the determination to keep your hope alive.  In order for us to take advantage of this opportunity, we will need to let go of some old ways of thinking, old habits, negative ways of speaking and believe it or not some "old" friends and companions.

Let me remind you of a popular scripture verse we often quote: Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

 Reading this verse brings me to another thing we need to leave behind in 2015 and that is our "old perception." We need to see things in an entirely different way. We need to understand that God will always make a way for us regardless of how things may sometimes look.  We must allow ourselves to truly experience the incredible love that God has for us.

So instead of seeing our bad experiences, and difficult times in 2015 as obstacles, let us see them as merely stepping stones.  For 2016 I want you to see God as your source and not your resource; see Him as having the answers to all your questions and not just as a mere onlooker. 


In His Service,


Saturday, December 26, 2015

A change in direction

I trust you had a great Christmas with your family and friends. The holidays are usually a very special time for many. For some it is a time of fun, food and fellowship. It's a time to exchange gifts and to catch up on family members you may not have seen or heard from in a long time.
Unfortunately for others the holidays are anticipated with fear, heartaches and a sense of loneliness especially if they have lost a loved one or if they are going through a  major relationship break up or experiencing conflicts within their families.
It is important that we reach out to those people who fit in the latter category. These are people that need hope by being reminded how much they ae loved by God.  This brings me to some exciting changes in my ministry that I need to share with you.
Having been through many tough situations in my life- I feel that God is now calling me to expand my ministry from simple Empowering mothers to pray for their children- to one which will help people in general who have lost their faith in God reconnect with Him. This new ministry is now called: "The Turning Point" and will incorporate MPUSH, SPARK change for high school girls and the praying wives.
It is very exciting and at the same time daunting, but I know that many will be blessed through this ministry. Regardless of what we go through in life we must understand that God is a good God and that He would not do anything to cause us (His children) pain.   So stay tuned for a new and exciting year ahead.
Let me also take this opportunity to wish you and your family every blessing that God has in store for you for 2016.  Make 2016 your "turning point"
In His Service,

Monday, December 21, 2015

Make it happen Monday

In Mathew 19:16-22 we read the story of a rich young ruler who went to Jesus to ask what he should do to inherit Eternal life. As the conversation continues with Jesus we find that this young man was living an upright life, and had kept the law from a young child.

He was very pleased with himself and must have smiled thinking t “surely I have this all together”. Jesus however, surprised him by telling him that he was lacking something. Jesus told him "If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow Me.

Unfortunately this young man became sad and walked away from the opportunity of having eternal life. His love for God somehow did not translate to having love for others. I often marvel at this young man - he was willing to lose his soul rather than share his earthly treasure.

This rich young man could have made it happen for him- “Eternal life” He could also have made it happen for a lot of needy people by giving them some money from the sale of his vast possessions.

What can you do today to make some other person’s day? As you make your last- minute shopping and wrapping of gifts, think of someone in your neighborhood, your church or work that you can buy a gift for. Let us spread our love a little further than our homes this Christmas.

In His Service,


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Foolish, weak or both?

I am so fascinated by this verse of scripture in I Corinthians 1: 27. This is what it says:

But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

There are many times that God chooses us to do some things and we don't for the simple fact that what He has asked looks and sounds down right foolish. However if we are obedient in the end people will be simple amazed at what you are able to accomplish, and the lives that have been touched. 

God requires our total dependence on Him, when He does things through us there should be no mistake that it is God. He opens doors for jobs that you are not qualified for and make you excel.  He brings people into your path for you to encourage and strengthen that blows your mind as well as theirs

Take a look at the story of Noah building an ark for many years in anticipation for rain that he has never seen or heard of before.  To everyone around him, this was absolutely foolish, but in the end his family and a number of animals were saved- it took him 120 years.

What of Abraham picking up his family and telling people that he was going somewhere, which he really had no clue about? Look at Abraham and Sarah so far pass the age for conception- how foolish Sarah must have looked pregnant in her 90's.

What of Moses with a little staff to part the red sea, what about the feeding of the five thousands with two fish and five small loaves? To the natural mind and through our physical eyes these things look and sound foolish, but check the end of each of these stories and see how God manifested His greatness.

Be that foolish weak person and just do what God is calling you to do and see how the wise and the strong get confused

In His Service,


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Uplifting Words

Jesus and Paul are examples for us in their use of uplifting words to encourage.

We find Jesus always offering us hope and encouragement even at very difficult times in our lives or times when we know we had blown it. Can you hear Jesus saying- "be not afraid for I am with you" Can you hear words like I have come to set the captive free, to deliver those who are oppressed, to give a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness etc.(Isa.61).

In his many letters to the various churches we see Paul encouraging and uplifting the saints. As much as he rebuked them for things they were not doing right, he never left them without encouragement.

Today we find that many people are bowed down under heavy emotional loads and are weary of life's struggles. They crave an uplifting word. Let us not turn away- instead follow the example of Jesus and offer some words of encouragement. Pleasant words not only encourage but can lift us up to high places (Prov. 22:11).

In His Service,


Friday, November 27, 2015

Giving thanks

     If living in the United States, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and most of you had a chance to spend some quality time with your families and friends. I also hope you had some good food, great fellowship and some fun.
  For those who have children living away from home, I hope you had a chance to connect in some way.
What in particular were you thankful for this holiday?  Sometimes we feel as if we have nothing to give thanks for especially when life is not going the way we anticipated. How do you give thanks when your prayers seem to go unanswered?  Why should I give thanks when I have no job, or I just lost a loved one?  
As difficult as this may be I Thessalonians 5:18- has a different take on things- "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus".
This is never an easy thing to do when we face those very challenging situations in life. We have all been there, thankful is perhaps the furthest thing from our minds.
Perhaps we could try a different approach and think of something that may be going well in our life and thank God for that one thing, as small as it may be.  One of our Thanksgiving tradition in our home is to say something or someone that we are grateful for. This is one way to get especially the younger ones to get in the habit of being appreciative.
 Giving thanks is a subject that is taught throughout the old and new testament. Psalm 100: 4 tells us to: Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, [and] into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, [and] bless his name.
So for today let us pray that God will give our children a heart of thankfulness.  Pray that they will learn to be grateful for small things in their life.  Pray that they will not have the attitude of entitlement, but instead be grateful when people are kind to them. 
In His Service,

Friday, October 30, 2015

Turning back the hands of time

I hope all is well with you and your family. As for myself and family, we are all doing well. God blessed me to celebrate another birthday on Thursday for which I am so grateful.
As you may be aware tomorrow night we turn our clocks back an hour for which most of us are happy as we can always use an extra hour of sleep.
What if we could turn back the hands of time to a particular occasion or period of time in our past? For some of us it may be to a time when we were young and had no responsibility. For some it may be your wedding day and the bliss you felt as you walked down the aisle. Perhaps you want to turn the hands of time back to when your children were young and innocent and cute.
For some of us we wish we could go back to the time just before we made that decision that turned out to be very costly or to the time when we may have said some very harsh words which caused so much pain to a friend or relative or severed a relationship.
Unfortunately turning back the hands of time is only wishful thinking. Our best bet is to use our time wisely. Try to savor our good moments. As much as possible enjoy spending time with your children, your spouse or significant other. Spend less time arguing and more time communicating. We need to speak more kindly and positively to others and less time tearing each other down or speaking negatively to one another. We need to spend time to encourage and praise the efforts of those lives we impact rather than using our time to discourage and put them down. We must use every opportunity we get to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone rather than advance propaganda our own personal agenda.
Don't be like R. Kelly- "If I could turn back time..."

In His Service,



Sunday, October 18, 2015

What is your excuse?

As Human beings we tend to thrive on coming up with excuses. 

There is always an excuse to justify why we are late for work, why we eat so much or so little, why our children behave the way they do. Why we don't go to church or why we keep ripping and running.

Some of these are legitimate but most of them are simple a poor way of saying no. I think we even walk with a pocketful of excuses just in case we need one in a hurry it is in easy reach.

What I realize not only do we have excuses for each other but we also come up with just as many excuses when God has asked us to do something.

Rick Warren puts this best. Here is how he responds in "The Purpose Driven Life" to those who make excuses concerning why they cannot serve the Lord.

"Abraham was old, Jacob was insecure, Leah was unattractive, Joseph was abused, Moses stuttered, Gideon was poor, Samson was co-dependent, Rahab was immoral, David had an affair and all kinds of family problems, Elijah was suicidal, Jeremiah was depressed, Jonah was reluctant, Naomi was a widow, John the Baptist was eccentric, Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered, Martha worried a lot, the Samaritan woman had several failed marriages, Zacchaeus was unpopular, Thomas had doubts, Paul had poor health and Timothy was timid"

 The 12 men called to be God's disciples could have come up also with a lot of excuses as to why they were not fit to serve, but they did not- common men, unimportant folks. In the end they turned the world “upside down” for Jesus.

When Jesus calls us to follow him, He's not looking for the smartest or strongest.  He does not call you because of what is in you but instead of what He can do through you. Feel honored that you were chosen and just watch and see what He can do with your inadequacies. You have no valid excuse!

In His Service,


Thursday, October 15, 2015

T.G.I.T….. The God I Trust

 For the ABC family TGIT is the night when “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Scandal” and “How to get away with murder” comes on. Those who watch these shows drool in anticipation for Thursdays to relax and watch each new episode- Thank God its Thursday.

 There is nothing wrong to use acronyms especially when you need to remember something very important especially when you are studying for a test. For me I still love to use acronyms, I constantly need to be reminded about “The God I Trust”

  I need to be reminded that He is able to keep me from falling at those times when my world appears to be crashing around me.

 I need a reminder when my prayers seemingly go unanswered, that He heard my prayers and answered them before I even called and that His timing is different from mine.  I need to remember that He is always right on time.

 I need a reminder when my job gets overwhelming, that He will provide for me a way of escape.

I need a reminder when those I thought would be there for me disappear, that He promises never to leave me nor to forsake me.

 I need a reminder when I get overly concerned about my child that God has no grandchildren and that my child belongs to God, and that He takes care of His own. I need to know that what concerns me also concerns God.

 It gives me assurance that the “The God I Trust” is faithful, dependable, loves me, cares for me, provides for me, protects me and has me engraved in the palm of His hands.

 What does TGIT means to you?

In His Service,


Friday, October 2, 2015

M-powering Hour

Please join me tomorrow (10/3/2015) for our monthly' M-powering hour 4p- 5pm. Come hear what God is saying to us as we continue to walk in Revelation Knowledge as mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. I am making it easy for you, you do not have to leave your home, or get a baby sitter- all you need to do is get on the phone - yes it's a conference call!

Phone 1-712-432-1500 CC 464397#

Looking forward to what God has in store for us.

God bless,


M-powering Hour

Please join me tomorrow (10/3/2015) for our monthly' M-powering hour 4p- 5pm. Come hear what God is saying to us as we continue to walk in Revelation Knowledge as mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. I am making it easy for you, you do not have to leave your home, or get a baby sitter- all you need to do is get on the phone - yes it's a conference call.

Phone 1-712-432-1500 CC 464397#

Looking forward to what God has in store for us.

God bless,


Thursday, October 1, 2015

October- breast cancer awareness month

Today marks the beginning of breast cancer awareness month.

Ladies please ask your health care provider about breast cancer screening especially if you have a family history of breast cancer, African American or over the age of 40 years old. 
Men encourage the women you know to go get screened.
If you are a survivor- please take the opportunity to share your story and encourage another woman who may be struggling at the moment with breast cancer.
Facts about Breast Cancer in the United States
• One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
• Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
• Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.
• Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.
• Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.
Retrieved from:
Symptoms of breast cancer vary from person to person. Some common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:
• Skin changes, such as swelling, redness, or other visible differences in one or both breasts
• An increase in size or change in shape of the breast(s)
• Changes in the appearance of one or both nipples
• Nipple discharge other than breast milk
• General pain in/on any part of the breast
• Lumps or nodes felt on or inside of the breast
Symptoms more specific to invasive breast cancer are as follows:
• Irritated or itchy breasts
• Change in breast color
• Increase in breast size or shape (over a short period of time)
• Changes in touch (may feel hard, tender or warm)
• Peeling or flaking of the nipple skin
• A breast lump or thickening
• Redness or pitting of the breast skin (like the skin of an orange)
Retrieved from:


Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Pope is coming to town

It is very interesting to see the months of preparation that there has been in Philadelphia in anticipation of the arrival of Pope Francis. If the truth be told I did not even realize that Pope Francis was also going to be in Washington, DC as well as in New York City. It would seem that all I was hearing on the news was “Pope Francis is coming to Philadelphia.” It is a very exciting time I am sure for the city as not only will they be honored to have the Pope there, but there is also the meeting of families. With these two events thousands of people will be converging on the city, some just to get a glimpse of Pope Francis. What a boost this will be for the economy of the city as no doubt all the hotels will be filled to capacity, the restaurants will be overwhelmed and the merchants will no doubt be having a boom in sales. This is absolutely fantastic.

As I reflect on all of this I cannot help but think about the stark difference between the coming of the Pope to America and the return of Jesus Christ.  The preparation of His coming has been for thousands of Years, not just over months to a year. This preparation has nothing to do with the external (clean sidewalks, freshly painted buildings, beautiful meeting rooms, and well secured areas), instead the preparation for the return of Jesus Christ is all internal- a preparation of hearts.  With the coming of Pope Francis the majority of events will require tickets to attend. Many not being able to get a ticket will stand outside of restricted areas to get just a glimpse of him. Unfortunately the majority of America will not see Pope Francis. However with the return of Jesus Christ- all eyes will behold Him- that is the entire world. The dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Him in the air. There will be no restriction by social standing, education, position in the church or by race- the only criteria is that you are “born again”, washed in the blood of the lamb. This by far supersedes any other “coming to America”.

In His Service,


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Trust in God

MPush icon2.pngI hope all is well with you and your family. For those with younger children, I can imagine how busy these last couple of weeks have been with "back to school shopping". Having had those days myself, I do understand it all, but don't have an envious bone in my body at the moment about you doing it :)

 As part of your "back to school" preparation, please include a time of prayer and fasting for your children also. Whether they are at home or away at college they constantly need the divine protection of God. There is so much that they have to contend with, We need to pray that they make the right choices at all times and not fall to peer pressure.
 Having said all this let me leave a couple verses with you from Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.  

 What have you been trusting God for? Another child, a relationship, a better marriage, a job, your own home, completing school? Well don't stop trusting God to bring it to manifestation. Trust requires submission- your will, emotions, feelings and intellect. These are the things that gets in the way when what you have asked God for is not coinciding with what it seems like God is actually doing. As these verses tell us acknowledge God in everything you do and allow Him to direct your path. We tend to acknowledge Him after we make our move, rather than before. It is like you seeing someone you know and they look at you, but do not acknowledge you. How do you feel? Well God does not want us to be saying we are walking with Him and then totally ignore Him in all our decision making. Acknowledge that He is there with you, and is working on your behalf behind the scenes.

 Acknowledge that He knows what is the best path for you, acknowledge that He loves you, acknowledge His attributes, Acknowledge that He keeps His promises and that He is not a man that He should lie. It then makes it so much easier to act when we know these things.

 Please remember to send any prayer request that you may have- nothing is too small or too large for God. You can email me at

In His Service,




Friday, July 31, 2015

Follow His Lead

I trust all is well with you and your family and that you are enjoying the summer so far. For those who may be experiencing sweltering heat, please make sure that you keep as cool as possible- drinking plenty of water and using sunscreen lotion is always a plus.

  As for me and the family, we are doing well. We recently returned from a well -deserved vacation in Jamaica. I broke all my rules and ate so much food including my favorite Devon house ice cream, I came back quite a few pounds heavier, but quite refreshed and re-energized. From time to time we all need to take a break and get refreshed and strengthen.

  I cannot help but reflect on a well-known passage from Psalm 23-

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.
The words "He makes me lie down" - suggest something done by force. Jesus our Shepherd realizes that if He does not force us to lie down and rest, we would keep going until we fall over from exhaustion. Being the wise, caring compassionate  and loving Shepherd he is, He finds us the ideal places - green pastures- not only can we rest but our needs are taken care of.

 Don't you find it very calming when you sit beside a quiet pond, river or pool? It is times like this that we are able to meditate, reflect and eventually we drift off in sleep. It is in our quiet moments that Jesus is able to get our full attention. He is able to have meaningful conversations with us and by the end of it all our souls are refreshed and we leave strengthened.

  Why not pause for a moment and be strengthened? Cast your cares on Him. Follow where He leads, He knows the path- potholes and all. Do not stop along the way or try to wander, the green pastures and still waters are up ahead.

 Please remember to send any prayer request that you may have- nothing is too small or too large for God. You can email me at


In His Service,



Friday, May 29, 2015

He knows my name

How many times do we meet someone and we recognize their face, but cannot remember their name? Or how many times people see you, speak to you and have no clue what your name is? Some do not even care or even wish to know your name. How does it make you feel, ignored, not important enough, bothered, or disappointed.  Perhaps you attribute it to a "memory issue" or something not worth a second thought. Whatever your emotion, don't dwell on it- somebody that matters know your name.

 You are perhaps saying well, my family knows my name, that is true but do they always call you by your name?  Sometimes not, My mother in particular would call me my sister's name and vice versa. So there goes that reasoning.

 But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine (Isaiah 43:1).

 It is reassuring to be reminded that The Lord knows us by name. Although He is aware of our natural name, He also knows us according to our purpose or calling.  Regardless of how long ago He heard your voice or had a conversation with you, He will never forget who you are neither will he forget who your children are.  What is more amazing is that He adopted us as sons and daughters and gave us His name.

Everyone who is called by My name, And whom I have created for My glory, Whom I have formed, even whom I have made (Isaiah 43:7).

 Let me leave you with Israel Houghton's song, I am not forgotten, He knows my name.

 Do you have a prayer request? I would be honored to help you pray- you can email me at

In His Service,


Monday, May 18, 2015

Can the ravens find you?

In I Kings 17 we find a very fascinating story about Elijah, King Ahab, a drought, a brook and some ravens. This seems a very unusual combination, but then again this is perhaps why I find it so fascinating.  King Ahab as did many of the previous Kings of Israel, continued to worship idols instead of God.

 Elijah, God’s prophet was not pleased with Ahab’s blatant disregard of God and made a declaration that there would be no rain in Israel for years.  Elijah was not concerned about the drought affecting him; he knew that God would somehow take care of him as He always did.

 The first thing we see God doing was instructing him to change direction and go towards the brook “Cherith” God had a plan for Elijah. He would be able to drink as much water as he wanted from the brook and be fed by the ravens at God’s command (v3-4)

 One of the fascinating parts of the story is how obedient Elijah was to what God told him to do.  God could have provided food to Elijah where he was, because He is God.  Elijah could have refused to move because Ahab was looking for him.  He could have said I am afraid that Ahab may kill me if I venture to take this journey to this brook you are asking me to go to.  Elijah could also have said God, I am hungry and tired, I do not have the strength to travel that far. 

What do you think would have happened if Elijah came up with all those excuses?  I do believe that Elijah would have starved and the raven would still have his mouth full of food waiting. They would have missed each other.

As you see God made sure that all that Elijah would need was already at the place where He was asking him to go. The great news is that God is still doing so today.  God has already made provision for you and it is waiting right at the place where He has sent you. Do not miss your resources because you fail to show up “there” Do not have the ravens waiting for you while you are starving somewhere else.

  It is not about where you are comfortable, or about where someone else is, rather it’s about where God has sent you, it's about where your ravens are waiting.

In His Service,


Sunday, April 5, 2015

HE Is Risen!

Do you understand- the grave could not hold Him. That very big stone in front of Christ’s tomb simply just rolled away. The Roman soldiers with their staves and clubs and spears were paralyzed, not only was the stone rolled away but their prized possession that Satan was rejoicing about is gone. All that was left behind was the linen clothes He wore and the cloth covering his face which was neatly folded.
Can you hear Satan summoning his angels to an emergency meeting? As a matter a fact, he has fired a bunch of them, reassigned some and sentenced some to hard times. How could they allow this to happen? As Hell’s rejoicing came to a sudden halt, Heaven stood at attention two Angels were standing at their posts in the empty tomb waiting to redirect all those who would be coming to the tomb.

Mary Magdalene and two other women were the first to arrive at the tomb, preparing to properly anoint Christ’s body as they were not able to do so on Friday. Can you imagine there surprise when they arrived and saw that the stone was rolled away? At first they thought that His enemies had stolen the body to further humiliate Him and His followers.
As they entered the tomb the two angels greeted them. The women were frightened but they were assured:
Do not be afraid. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he laid. Then go quickly and tell his disciple that Jesus has risen from the dead. Matthew 28:5-7.

These three women were the first to give the good news to everyone they met including the disciples – “He is Risen- Jesus was alive. These women did not question the fact although they did not see Jesus, they believed. Later and throughout the day Jesus appeared again and again, first to Mary Magdalene, then to Joanna and Mary the mother of James. That evening he appeared to two men walking to Emmaus and showed up unexpectedly in the room where ten of the disciples were hiding. It took about 1400 years to complete this work that God started to redeem mankind, but it was finally accomplished. Death’s icy hand was pried open, and Jesus conquered death, not just for himself, but for anyone that would bet their soul on God’s Passover Lamb.

Reflection: Just as He rose from the dead, so will you and your situations that seem dead and buried come back to life. Have Faith that He who has started a good thing in you will see it to completion. He is Faithful- Walk in His resurrection power. It’s not over-till God says it’s over.

In His Service,


Friday, March 13, 2015

Not just mere words

One of the first prayers that most of us learned growing up in a Christian home was what we called the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer we later learned was actually the model prayer which was taught by Jesus to His disciples. This prayer is still very relevant today and one that we should use to pattern the way in which we approach prayer. Most of us have become so familiar with the words of this prayer that we simple race through it without thinking about th...e words we are saying.

This prayer in case you forget is found in Mathew 6: 9-15 and begins with the words “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name”. Yes that’s the one I’m talking about. This entire prayer is profound, but I would like to focus our attention on verse 12. Here is what this verse says-“And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors"

What does this verse means? Here are a couple interpretations. Father forgive me of all of my debts/trespasses/transgressions as I forgive the people who have transgressed or wronged me here is another way in which I interpret it. Lord the same way in which I refuse to forgive my children when they are disobedient and take me for granted, I want you to do the same with me when I do not do the things you ask and when I take you for granted. Father the same way in which I hold on to the grudge I have for my ex-husband for leaving me for another woman, is the same way in which I want you to remember the many times I left you to worship and admire other things and people instead of you.

Another interpretation that I have of this verse is this- Lord it is so hard to forgive and forget the many people who have wronged me over the years, but it is not worth holding on to un-forgiveness so with your help I choose to forgive them all, knowing that you will do the same for me as well.
Verse 14 explains very well, why we need to do this: “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you”. I think this makes so much sense.

I realize that left to me I would choose who and what to forgive instead of extending forgiveness to everyone. So the next time you say the model – prayer remember to pay attention to the details, it will make a difference.

In His Service,


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Narcissism or confirmation of the word of God?

As I was getting ready for work a couple of days ago I overheard a portion of the news, where the question was being asked if parents are creating narcissists by praising their children for everything and telling them that they are deserving of certain things. The report continued to say that parents who do so are creating children who will not accept "no" for an answer and will not be able to manage well in the real world.
 I do hear what they are saying, but I also think about those children who can never do anything good enough in the eyes of their parents, those who are told that they do not deserve a better life and that they are inferior to another sibling. What or who are we creating?  Are we creating children who have low self-esteem, not willing to try at anything because they already feel that they will fail?

Unfortunately I tend to see things according to the word of God. I believe that we should encourage and commend our children whenever they make an effort at doing something. I do believe that they should know that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made”.  I do believe that I should let them know that they are “above” and not “beneath”, that they are the “head” and not the tail”. I do want them to understand that what is within them is greater than what is in the world. I want them to know that it is not by might or by power that they do these things, but by the Spirit of the Lord. I do believe that God’s children are already victorious because Jesus Christ has already overcome the world. 

Who or what are we developing when we do this? I believe we are developing men and women who know exactly who they are in Christ Jesus and who will conduct themselves in a way pleasing to God. I believe we are developing children who will make a positive difference in the world. Children who will not be followers, but instead leaders, children who will not be looking for love in the wrong places; children who will not need a gun to make them strong or important, but will use the word of God as their sword.

In His Service,


Monday, February 16, 2015

Not by Might or by Power

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by situations in our lives, by tasks that we may be asked to do, not seeing how we could ever pull it off.

The bible tells us of the story of a man by the name of Zerubbabel who was commissioned to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem.  This temple was destroyed by the Babylonians and was left it in ruins for about 70 years.  Not only was there a lack of man-power, but there was no resources with which to rebuild the temple.  To Zerubbabel this was a seemingly impossible task. 
Knowing what Zerubbabel was thinking God had to remind him through His prophet Zechariah that things are not always done by our might or power, but by God’s Spirit ( Zechariah 4: 6-).

Like so many of us do, Zerubbabel was relying on his own physical strength and ability to carry out this job of rebuilding the temple instead of relying on the inner strength of the Holy Spirit for guidance. 
Most times we shy away from things we are asked to do because we feel inadequate to do so. We look at our muscles, we count the amount of money we have in the bank, how large or small our homes are, how well we can dress, or talk and then make the decision.  God is saying it is not about what we are able to do; instead it is about what He is able to do through us.  Every day we should wake up with a Phil 4:13 kind of attitude: I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.

 What or who has God called you to rebuild, refurbish or refashion that has been broken down and left in ruins.  Is it your relationship with Him; is it the salvation of your loved ones? Is it the relationship with your children or your parents?  Perhaps it’s an overhaul in your life, could it be to make some needed changes in your home, or changes in your community.
 The work that God has given you will not be accomplished by mere human resources.  Sometimes the best laid out plans will fail.  God sometimes allows failure to happen so that He can use it as a teachable moment for us, to understand where our resources are.

In His Service,



Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pray without ceasing

Are you ready to quit? Are you tired of me always encouraging you to pray for your children? Have you even tried praying once? Or do you just read what I say, agree to it because it sounds good but leave it there? Maybe things have turned around for your child or children and so you think you can take a break and relax.

Well just in case you did not get it, here I go again. Prayer is the most important weapon that we have as Christians and especially as mothers to use to fight for our children. We cannot afford to put it away and allow it to get rusty or dull, but we must keep it sharp and oiled by always using it. The more we use it the easier it becomes to use.

As mothers we do know that there is only so far we can push the tricycle before our children ride off on their own — and go where they will, running into some obstacles that they may not be able to properly negotiate. However they have no control over us praying for them. They cannot ride off far enough for our prayers not to impact their lives. God’s eyes are everywhere on this earth and always know where they are and His arms will always be able to reach them.

As mothers we are encouraged to pray not only defensively- when something is going or has gone wrong, but we also must pray offensively to ward off some things that may have been aimed at them.

Won’t you pray with me? Father I thank you for my children, I pray for continued covering and protection under your blood. I pray that their eyes will be opened to recognize who you are, that their ears will be opened to hear your still small voice and that their mind is renewed that they will be obedient to follow your lead. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

In His Service,




Sunday, January 11, 2015

Taming the tongue- difficult but not impossible

I grew up hearing and saying this phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."  After I got a bit wiser I realize that this is really not the truth.  I have had people say some things to me that were so hurtful that I wished they had broken one of arm or leg. You see, it is easier to get a cast applied to the broken limb than it is to heal a broken heart or spirit.

Proverbs 18: 21 tell us that: Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  In the book of James – chapter 3 we find some incredible information concerning the tongue and how difficult it is to tame it.

 James talks about it being easier to break a wild horse by using a “bit” or steering a big ship with a small rudder, than it is to manage the tongue (v3-4).  The fact that the tongue can be so damaging, should caution us to be very careful how we use it.  This is more so true to mothers who can sometimes take out our frustration and anger on our children by saying things that are hurtful.

For this year let us resolve to use our tongues wisely, let us refrain from gossiping, lying and tearing people down. Instead let use build up, correct lovingly, exhort and affirm.

I was on the internet and came across a sermon by Rick Smith about taming the tongue and here is something that he said that I think we will all benefit from. Before you speak, think. Here is the acrostic he used for think.

T - is it true?
H - is it helpful?
I - is it inspiring?
N - is it necessary?
K - is it kind?.
If what you are about to say does not pass this simple test, then don't say it.

In His Service,


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Spiritual Fasting

Many of us welcome the month of January to shed the many pounds that we accumulated over thanksgiving and Christmas. Some of us join the local gym and work out, and many will participate in various types of "Fasts" depending on how quickly they want to shed those pounds.

  Many Christians individually or collectively with their churches also participate in a Spiritual fast at the start of the New Year. For many of us it is the 21-day Daniel Fast.  There are approximately 99 verses in the bible that refer to "Fasting" and hence I do believe that fasting is very important.  Although God commanded fasting of the Israelites in the Old Testament, we do not see Him commanding fasting in the New Testament nor do we see him forbidding it.

Many early Christians did practice fasting and prayer as a part of their spiritual lives and truly belief that we should also take some time out to participate in a time of fasting also. Having said  let me caution you not to participate in a Fast just to say you did a fast, but make sure that you Fast with the purpose of gaining spiritual strength, a deeper understanding of God and a closer relationship with Him. Sometimes we need clarity from God concerning what our next steps should be. Sometimes when we need a breakthrough concerning situations in our lives (our health, issues with our children, our marriages or our career) it is necessary to spend some time seeking God’s face.

When we fast it is not about the length of time, but rather it is about the effectiveness of your Fasting. Although fasting is generally abstaining from food, you can also abstain from other things that will require some sacrifice such as watching your favorite television show.  If you have never fasted before and want to try it, you should start with a partial fast- such as abstaining for a few hours at a time and not for an entire day. As you get more comfortable then you can adjust the length of time. If you have special dietary needs, make sure that you seek the advice of your health care provider and avoid complicating your health problems.
 In His Service,
