Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pray without ceasing

Are you ready to quit? Are you tired of me always encouraging you to pray for your children? Have you even tried praying once? Or do you just read what I say, agree to it because it sounds good but leave it there? Maybe things have turned around for your child or children and so you think you can take a break and relax.

Well just in case you did not get it, here I go again. Prayer is the most important weapon that we have as Christians and especially as mothers to use to fight for our children. We cannot afford to put it away and allow it to get rusty or dull, but we must keep it sharp and oiled by always using it. The more we use it the easier it becomes to use.

As mothers we do know that there is only so far we can push the tricycle before our children ride off on their own — and go where they will, running into some obstacles that they may not be able to properly negotiate. However they have no control over us praying for them. They cannot ride off far enough for our prayers not to impact their lives. God’s eyes are everywhere on this earth and always know where they are and His arms will always be able to reach them.

As mothers we are encouraged to pray not only defensively- when something is going or has gone wrong, but we also must pray offensively to ward off some things that may have been aimed at them.

Won’t you pray with me? Father I thank you for my children, I pray for continued covering and protection under your blood. I pray that their eyes will be opened to recognize who you are, that their ears will be opened to hear your still small voice and that their mind is renewed that they will be obedient to follow your lead. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

In His Service,




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