Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Letting go of Un-forgiveness


In my last post I discussed the fact that regardless of the circumstance, in which we conceived and had children, they are still God’s gift, because the devil, does not give life he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Remember Christ comes to give Life and to give it more abundantly. Choose Life that you may live. Start to see your child or children as God sees them “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). Not as illegitimate as we sometimes call children born out of marriage. They are real children, not imitation or carbon copies; yes they will need salvation just as you and I and the President, the Queen or your Pastor, but they are just as loved by God. We will defer this for another post. You get my point.
As mentioned previously moving on is difficult for a lot of us to do, however difficulty does not translate impossibility. Today, let us talk about letting go, letting God and moving on. Let us talk about the big “F” word FORGIVENESS. When we harbor un-forgiveness in our heart it hinders our prayers from being answered by God. Un-forgiveness decreases our potential to be great parents.  When we allow un-forgiveness to remain with us, it will become a root of bitterness (Hebrews 12:15). Think about weed growing in your flower garden, what does it do?  If left to grow, it eventually chokes the flowers, it takes up their space their water, their oxygen and in a little while the flowers wither away and die. What am I saying? Un-forgiveness will choke our peace, joy, our strength, our faith, our spirit, and in no time you start to die spiritually, emotionally and physically. Many times when we find ourselves with ulcers, stomach pains, headaches, anxiety and depression, the cause may be stemming from our un-forgiveness. It is necessary to pluck it now than wait until you have no energy to do so. The man that you are holding un-forgiveness towards, has moved on, is enjoying his life and has no twitch of conscience and possible will not understand why you are mad at him. It is not worth it!

Forgiveness is a process, but you have to start the process and continue to forgive daily if you stop in the middle or turn back, you will not get to the end. In the model prayer we are taught “forgive us our debts (trespasses, sins) as we forgive our debtors “(Mathew 6: 9-13). Why?
V 14-15: For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
So when we pray to God about and for our children ask you the question, Is he hearing my prayers? Is there un-forgiveness in my heart?

Some maybe saying I have forgiven him once twice three times, he told me he would do better but he still has not gotten his act together. Let us look at Mathew 18:21-22
Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

What Christ talking necessarily to forgive 490 times, I do not think so, I believe the lesson is to forgive as many times as you have to- ouch! Let me hasten to say that forgiveness does not mean you allow yourself to be taken for a ride each time. No it means you move away from the situation and Ask God for strength not to repeat the same mistake. You hold the key to free yourself from the prison you have put yourself in, use it. Watch God use for God what they/him meant for evil.
So how do I pray?

Father, I confess before you my hurt and bitterness towards (insert name). I forgive him for what he has done to me and his children. It is a difficult thing for me to do, so Father I need your strength to do so. I want to focus my energy to care for my children, something good that has come out of this relationship. I need to do so with Joy, and peace. Take away the anxieties that I have, thinking I will not be able to do a good job without his (their) father. I thank you that as my father you love and care for me so much that I do not need to fear. I thank you that as you said in your word, you will never leave us or forsake us. I also know that you will supply our needs. Father when days come, when the un-forgiveness seem to be coming back, help me to remember that I confessed and you forgave me and that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I thank you father that you have the whole world in your hands- great big strong hands and hence you have me and my child/children (insert names) in your hands as well. I move forward this day with all the power you have given me and I will not stop or look back until I have accomplished my goal. In Jesus name Amen.

Please feel free to make your comments or ask questions.
In His Purpose


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