Sometimes we get overwhelmed by situations in our
lives, by tasks that we may be asked to do, not seeing how we could ever pull
it off.
The bible tells us of the story of a man by the name
of Zerubbabel who was commissioned to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem. This temple was destroyed by the Babylonians
and was left it in ruins for about 70 years.
Not only was there a lack of man-power, but there was no resources with
which to rebuild the temple. To
Zerubbabel this was a seemingly impossible task.
Knowing what Zerubbabel was thinking God had to
remind him through His prophet Zechariah that things are not always done by our
might or power, but by God’s Spirit ( Zechariah 4: 6-).
Like so many of us do, Zerubbabel was relying on his
own physical strength and ability to carry out this job of rebuilding the
temple instead of relying on the inner strength of the Holy Spirit for
Most times we shy away from things we are asked to
do because we feel inadequate to do so. We look at our muscles, we count the
amount of money we have in the bank, how large or small our homes are, how well
we can dress, or talk and then make the decision. God is saying it is not about what we are
able to do; instead it is about what He is able to do through us. Every day we should wake up with a Phil 4:13
kind of attitude: I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.
What or who has
God called you to rebuild, refurbish or refashion that has been broken down and
left in ruins. Is it your relationship
with Him; is it the salvation of your loved ones? Is it the relationship with
your children or your parents? Perhaps
it’s an overhaul in your life, could it be to make some needed changes in your
home, or changes in your community.
The work that
God has given you will not be accomplished by mere human resources. Sometimes the best laid out plans will
fail. God sometimes allows failure to
happen so that He can use it as a teachable moment for us, to understand where
our resources are.In His Service,