Friday, March 7, 2014

Period of Lent

We are presently in the season of Lent- which started 2 days ago a day known to Christians all over the world as “Ash Wednesday. The season of Lent ends at Easter. Sundays are usually not included in the 40 day count for Lent.
What really is lent?  Lent is a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ, His suffering and His sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. Although very special it should be noted that not all Christian Churches observe Lent.

Some churches will celebrate the start of Lent by serving Holy Communion and by placing ash in the form of a cross on the foreheads of their “Parishioners’.”  Although popular the Bible does not mention the custom of Lent, however the practice of repentance and mourning in ashes is found in several scriptures in the Old Testament and one scripture in the New Testament- Mathew 11:21.

 Lent and Fasting seem to go together, however this is a personal matter and people should not feel guilty if they choose not to fast. Fasting is a good practice, but it should always be done with the right heart. It is not just to join others to say you have fasted but there should be a real sincerity of the heart when we participate in fasting. Some churches like the Catholic Church will fast on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday and will abstain from meat on those days as well as all the Fridays during Lent.

 Remembering Jesus Christ, His death burial and resurrection although emphasized at this time should be something that every Christian constantly keeps in mind throughout the year. Giving of alms or acts of kindness is also something that we should strive to demonstrate not only during Lent but at all times. 

 If you want to make this season special, choose a day to perhaps give up 30 minutes of watching television and instead choose to spend  this time reading a passage from the bible with your children and then discuss what you have read, by the end of Lent it will become a habit you will not want to break.

In His Service,



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