we live in this world and interact with each other we frequently experience
disappointments from one another. Most
of these disappointments arise from broken or un fulfilled promises. People
make promises but never fulfill them or partially fulfill them. When this happens, it causes not only
disappointment but emotional hurt and pain. It hurts most because we truly
expected that when these individuals made promise s they would surely come
through for us.
been disappointed repeatedly by people that we love and trust, over time we
develop mistrust and lose hope not only in our loved ones but at times this
mistrust extends to God. When this occurs we tend to lose hope in God’s
promises especially if we have been praying for something/someone for a long
time. If this is the case, you are not alone. Great men and women of God have
been down that road several times. One memorable example is the psalmist David.
Here is what David cries out in Psalm 42:1-3. As we read further in this psalm David had this question and reminder for himself Psalm 42:5
Have you ever found yourself doubting if God
was ever going to fulfill the promise or promises He made to you? If you have,
keep reading? Our God is not slack
concerning His promises, his word is His bond and in 2 Corinthians 1:20 Paul states: “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are
"Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by
us to the glory of God”. ( NIV).
as we continue our journey in this New Year, remember that our God has promised
us life – “Zoë
life” to those of us who have
accepted Him as Lord and savior. This Zoë life is
"life in the absolute sense, life as God has it" (Vine's Expository
Dictionary). Accept this promise and
live to your potential. Do not settle for less than what Jehovah-Elyon has promised.
The thief has come but to kill steal and destroy, choose abundant life. May
El-Shaddai richly bless you.
His service,
Watson (Guest blogger)
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