Monday, January 28, 2013

Beauty for Ashes

In Isaiah 61 we see a proclamation of the ministry of Jesus Christ the Messiah. His ministry would be one mainly of healing, healing the damage caused to mankind by sin. Sin had ravished mankind completely. Sin brought to mankind impoverishment, broken-heartedness, and captivity. Sin had us bound, mourning and reduced to ashes. Isaiah is saying that finally there was going to be an end to all of this devastation.  This chapter could be appropriately called the chapter of hope for mankind.

It must be clearly pointed out that not only was this a promise in the book of Isaiah but this prophecy has already being fulfilled. The messiah came and successfully completed his work of preaching, healing, delivery and comfort and has returned to His father.  Unfortunately some of us do not seem to have heard the good news and we continue to walk as slaves than as a people who have been set free. We continue to allow sin to impoverish us, we continue to let sin break our heart and to put us in captivity and bind us. Sin has caused many of us to mourn and have a spirit of heaviness. Sin has caused many of our lives to become so broken and crushed and all that is left is ashes.  Ashes for most people are useless, fit only to be walked upon or thrown away- not so for Jesus. Jesus scooped up every particle of ash and stamped on you instead “beauty” God loves to rebuild ruins just sees what v 4 says about this And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. 

Why have we not heard the good news? Perhaps those of us who know this good news have not adequately shared it. If you fall in this category, start telling the good news of what Jesus Christ has done. It may be your neighbor, friend, child or a spouse, make sure that you give them the option to choose freedom or remain in slavery.

It is also possible that there are some who do not see themselves worthy to accept what Jesus Christ has done. We need to remind them Jesus Christ did not make a distinction when He came. His ministry was for everyone. He would not have suffered what He did if He did not believe we were worth it.

Finally there are still those who refuse to accept what Christ has done for them and are willing to accept what sin has and is doing to them. We need to pray earnestly that these individuals’ eyes will be opened to what freedom from sin and slavery has to offer. I accepted His beauty for my ashes, I hope you will do the same!

In His Service,


Monday, January 14, 2013

The Peace of Forgiveness

Today I would like to talk about Forgiveness. The intent here is not to exhaust the subject, but to serve as a reminder to us how important it is to forgive each other. Forgiveness is a topic that we sometimes do not want to discuss especially when we may the ones needing to exercise forgiveness. However as Christians we are required to forgive those who have wronged us, not just once but as many times as they may wrong us. Forgiveness is not words only but it is a heart thing.

 What happens when we do not forgive?

Un-forgiveness is a direct disobedience to what God requires of us and fractures our relationship with Him. We essentially fall short of becoming children of the Highest.

Luke 6: 35 supports this.

Un-forgiveness if allowed to linger can eventually become roots of bitterness that have the ability to choke us spiritually. Hebrews 12:15- Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [you], and thereby many be defiled;

Un-forgiveness causes us to lose real joy, peace and rest.

Un-forgiveness prevents our forgiveness from God- Mathew 6:14-15.

 The opposite happens in our life when we forgive? We are being obedient to what God requires, we are forgiven by God when we need forgiveness and we experience real joy peace and rest. Forgiveness is not something that may come readily for most of us; however we need to strive to walk in it as Christians.  The more we forgive those who wrong us the easier it becomes. As we enter 2013, search your heart to see who you may be holding as hostage to forgiveness. Is it your children’s father, or is it your child? Is it your parent, a school teacher, an old boyfriend, your neighbor, your pastor, your in-law? Whoever it is and regardless of how bad the wrong was “Let it go”! As you think about who may have wronged you also think about whom you may have wronged knowingly or unknowingly and do the right thing.

 As we read the promises that God has for us and our children, do not forget that we also have a responsibility in making these promises come into existence. One key responsibility is our obedience to God. Isaiah 1:19-If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. The benefits of forgiveness far outweighs our ego and pride, so as hard as it may be, let is choose today to walk in forgiveness.

In His Service,



Monday, January 7, 2013

The Faithfulness of God

As we live in this world and interact with each other we frequently experience disappointments from one another.  Most of these disappointments arise from broken or un fulfilled promises. People make promises but never fulfill them or partially fulfill them.  When this happens, it causes not only disappointment but emotional hurt and pain. It hurts most because we truly expected that when these individuals made promise s they would surely come through for us.

Having been disappointed repeatedly by people that we love and trust, over time we develop mistrust and lose hope not only in our loved ones but at times this mistrust extends to God. When this occurs we tend to lose hope in God’s promises especially if we have been praying for something/someone for a long time. If this is the case, you are not alone. Great men and women of God have been down that road several times. One memorable example is the psalmist David. Here is what David cries out in Psalm 42:1-3.  As we read further in this psalm David had this question and reminder for himself   Psalm 42:5 

 David was a Godly man yet He found himself questioning the motive of God for a minute. I thank God that David knew that despite the situation and trials God remains faithful.

 Have you ever found yourself doubting if God was ever going to fulfill the promise or promises He made to you? If you have, keep reading?  Our God is not slack concerning His promises, his word is His bond and in 2 Corinthians 1:20 Paul states: “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God”. ( NIV).

 Our perception of how we perceive God has a lot to do with our faith and trust in fulfillment of His promises. Because God is Spirit and we cannot see or touch him, we ascribe meaning  to him  in  a way that makes sense to us. We envision Him in a human form packaged with emotions and intellect. Consequently, we fail to see that his ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not ours. We fail to see Him as Jehovah-Elyon (The Lord God most high ) and as El-Shaddai (The almighty God).  Beloved, God is not a man and we must never ascribe  human characteristics to  Him. When we do, our expectations concerning His promises becomes limited and skewed, Numbers 23:19  tells us clearly that, “God is not a man, that he should lie. He is not a human, that he should change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through. ( NLT).

Indeed as we continue our journey in this New Year, remember that our God has promised us life – “Zoë life” to those of us who have accepted Him as Lord and savior. This Zoë life is "life in the absolute sense, life as God has it" (Vine's Expository Dictionary).  Accept this promise and live to your potential. Do not settle for less than what Jehovah-Elyon has promised.  The thief has come but to kill steal and destroy, choose abundant life. May El-Shaddai richly bless you.

In His service,

Paula Watson (Guest blogger)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How should I Plan for 2013 ?

Today marks the beginning of a new year. It signifies for many a new start, a chance to do things differently. Most people will start the New Year with a set of resolutions, or carefully laid out plans and aspirations. However these resolutions sometimes become “neverlutions” because they never get started they go no further than the paper they were written on.  When it comes to our plans and aspirations, we find that they do not always go the way we intended. Regardless of how well- crafted these plans are life happens which does not take into consideration your plans. I do believe that making plans are wise, but because of our inability to predict the future, it makes more sense to run these plans by someone who knows our future. Who is this person?

 Jeremiah 29:11 tells us this-For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (NIV).

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end (KJV).

Yes this person is Jesus Christ our Lord. Our Lord already has some plans in place for us- plans that will make us prosperous, plans that provide for us hope and a future. These plans are tailor made for each of us according to who we are. As a matter of fact these plans were in place before the foundations of the earth.  Here is how I know. I was eaves dropping on a conversation the Lord was having with Jeremiah and here is a key part of their conversation-Jeremiah 1: 5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew [fn] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

The same thing the Lord said to Jeremiah is what He is also saying to us as well.  This is reassuring to me that God things so highly of me. In addition I overheard a reflection by David Psalm 139 and especially his words in verses 14-18

Another passage that I love to read along with these three passages is Isaiah 43:15-21 especially like to meditate on verses 18-19 where it reminds me of how God blesses me in various ways, and not necessarily what I am accustomed to. I am also reminded that He will always come through for me even in my wilderness or a desert places.

So as we embrace 2013 let us trust God with the plans He has for you and me. Whatever happens in 2013 will not foil His plan for us; instead it helps in completing His plans. Not everything that comes at us in 2013 is necessarily coming from God, but He is a great wide receiver and anything that comes to harm us, He will turn it around in such a way to prosper us. There will be times in 2013 that we will have no clue how certain things we face fits into His plan for us, but we must continue to trust Him.

Unfortunately although He knows the plans He has for us He does not show it to us all at once. Be patient, very soon the plan will start to take shape and to make sense.

Have a Happy and Blessed New Year.

In His Service,
