Consistently watching the news can become
overwhelming, so take some time out to pray.
Here are some suggestions. Let us pray for minimal or no loss of lives as this storm passes over
and let us remember those who are more vulnerable than we are. Do you have an elderly neighbor or a neighbor
living alone? Having some physical company
makes the storm a bit more tolerable, so pray about inviting them over. Let us pray that those people who have to
evacuate their homes will find the structure still standing when they return. For those who will be in shelters, let us pray
that they will be comfortable and will have their basic needs met. Let us pray
that there will be no quarrels among those people in the shelters, of course
our nerves can become frayed when forced to move from an area of comfort to
gather, sleep and eat with people you do not know. Let us pray that those who are medically
challenged will be able to get their needed medications and if not that God
will sustain them until they can get to the pharmacy. Let us pray for that the anticipated
electrical outages will not be as bad and that basements prone to flooding will
be spared. Let us pray for the emergency workers who will be called out in the
storm to rescue others or to remove fallen trees or to restore electricity,
pray that they will be free from accidents and return safely to their homes. As you end your prayer thank God for his
protection around your home, and over your families and then go to bed, rest in
peace knowing that The God you just prayed to is able to attend to all that you
have asked. Remember that He never
slumbers or sleep. Have a good night.
In His Service,
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