Monday, September 3, 2012


Today we will look at 2 very important words LIFE and PRIORITY
The word priority has many definitions; the following are some that I would like us to consider.

       Something or somebody perceived as most important.

        Precedence in date and position.
         State of quality.
                                                          The life or heart of a matter.

Today I would like us to look at a familiar scripture John 9:1-9 as we discuss this crucial topic of LIFE and PRIORITY.  In this passage we find the disciples asking Jesus about this blind man and questioning if someone did something wrong that may have caused his condition.  As I reflected on this line of questioning I cannot help but think of how this sound like some of us at times.  Whenever something goes wrong with us or our children, we start checking our records, wondering what we may have done wrong.  I would like to suggest, that we should instead recognize and admit that we all thrive by God`s sovereign mercy and not our good deeds, all our so called good deeds put together are not enough to afford the breath of life for one second.  It is by grace that we are sustained.
Jesus’ answer was very simple that this man’s blindness happened so that the glory of God could be made manifest.  Several things may have happened in your life and that of your children’s lives that left you wondering, ‘surely God!’  I will not tell you I understand because I do not, but I trust that if He says it is for His glory, we should keep moving until we see His glory come to pass.

After Jesus made this clear He directs the disciples` attention to the important matter of the day, in other words what the PRIORITY really was- to heal the man.  When we consume time researching for answers that are only known and hidden in God, we forfeit the blessing that could be ours to enjoy now, so why not just leave it to Him. 
Jesus continued to tell them that they must do the work of God, while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work.  We must face this long avoided reality that we are just passing through this world, we are not residents, we are ambassadors on duty, when our time is done we will go home.  You do not want to work in your night, it is frustrating, maximize your day and make sure your time which keeps moving, matches your priorities and assignment.

Why should we prioritize in life?

  We are created for a purpose – in Ephe. 2:10 the apostle Paul admonishes the church in Ephesus that we are on earth for a purpose, and that purpose is to do good works that God Himself ordained for us before the world began.  So no matter how we were conceived, and the circumstances that surrounded our upbringing, we have a purpose in God, well planned and thought by His predestination.  This takes precedence in our life’s priorities, find your purpose in God and fulfill it, you are not created to simply be a statistic on earth. 
        Life is not a rehearsal – immediately conception takes place, life begins, and there is no minute that passes after this, that can be repeated.  We cannot afford to ignore the fact that, when it comes to things in life like; music, poems, exams etc, you may have time to rehearse for it, repeat and even postpone, but life, age, time, seasons and dispensations do not repeat, with that in mind, dare to prioritize and focus you attention on that which is important and of eternal value.

Life under the sun is characterized by various aches and pains that are normal because we are human; seasons and times of happiness and some of  sadness, why not give your self, time, and energy to those things that are worth the pain! (Ecc. 3:1).
        The human nature – (Rom. 7:15), many of us have struggles with the issue of knowing and planning what we want to do.  It is in the human nature to want to follow its dictates which are carnal and worse still, enmity to God.  There is no single day you will wake up and the flesh wants to follow your priorities, it will always want to do what pleases and feeds it`s craving for the moment and excuse itself from the consequences later, or even blame it on someone or something else.  We have to wake up every morning and follow our priority list, because we know that our biggest enemy to the discipline of fulfilling destiny lives with us daily – ME, MYSELF & I.  But those that are led by the Spirit are sons of God, you are freely given the Spirit of a sound mind, you have what it takes and you can do it!

        We have an enemy – The devil will at no time be happy with you because you woke up and decided to accomplish destiny.  He actually does everything within his reach to keep you busy in life but on zero dispositions, it is one thing to be busy in life, and another to actually be effective.  The greater percentage of the people around you may not applaud you when you decide to move forward, you must be ready to be offended and offend people, if you are  to stick to life`s priorities.  You do not want the enemy and haters to simply see your flames (busy), you want them to feel your heat (impact).
What hinders life`s priorities?

        Ignorance (Prov. 4:7) to set goals in life and stick to them, you must love, value, seek, and apply knowledge.  Wisdom is a shelter, and the advantage of wisdom is that it protects the life of its possessor, (Ecc 7:12).
        Disobedience - (Isa. 30:9-11) many times in life we tend to love those who tell us what we want to hear, and avoid God when He brings up topics that are calling us to prioritize our life and what we do with it.  You must love both the promises and the instructions of God even when they do not feel soothing, no one succeeded by feeling nice, everything you see growing, somebody daily takes the pains of the maturation processes.

Yours in Christ,

Jennifer Ikonne (Guest Writer)

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