In the medical field we often talk about evidence based-practice which means that we utilize findings from research to enhance our practice. In essence if research shows that a particular method works better, then we go with that particular finding and if it shows it no longer works then we no longer practice in that manner.
There is a whole process that needs to take place when research is conducted. Usually a person or group has a theory (Concept, Notion, philosophy, Model, belief) about something and sets out to prove or disprove their theory. The researcher first presents their research proposal or intention to a special board, with details of how they will recruit participants, what will be done with participants and how participants will benefit from the research. In other words the researcher has to show that the participants will not be harmed by them participating in the research in order to get permission to do their research. At the end of the research, the results obtained are looked at to see if they are significant according what researchers call the confidence interval. If significant, the results are disseminated for use. Sometimes the results cannot be universally applied depending on limitations with the sample. One example could be that all the participants in the sample were female and from one area, then the argument could be that the results cannot be utilized with males on a whole or for that matter to females outside of that particular area. There are other times when another researcher comes along and will try to conduct a similar research to see if they will come up with similar results. The bottom line is that most time research findings are accepted as valid and put into practice.
In the Christian arena we tend not to pursue evidence-based practice. It would appear that we prefer to guess and try to find the answer to situations we face the hard way. However we serve a God who did not have to do the research to prove that a particular thing works, He knows it does and has placed the evidence in a manual called the Bible. First we believe what He says because there is evidence concerning His character/nature. Phrases and words such as “not a man that He should lie” Immutable- unchanging; Omniscient: All knowing: Omnipresent- everywhere; and Omnipotent: All powerful. We find other evidence -based words like “our father”, friend, heir, son, grace and Mercy. We believe the evidence because of “who He is”
We find other words and phrases like “gave His only begotten son, sacrificial love, ‘never leave or forsake” and call and I will answer, healer, provider, and comforter. We believe the evidence based not only on “who He is” but also on “What He has done” and “will do”.
We find numerous accounts in the bible of individuals who have been recipients of God’s grace and mercy. Individuals like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Joseph, David, Daniel, Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, the woman caught in adultery, and the woman with the issue of blood to name a few. From these accounts we get the evidence of his faithfulness, kindness, and his ability to forgive and to heal. From this we are reminded of words like Faith, Trust, and Hope, methods that we need, so we can utilize the evidence we have before us.
One outstanding evidence can be found in I Corinthians 10:13 tell us -No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.I want you to understand that whatever you may be going through with your children or just in your own personal state that may be affecting your ability to parent, that it is not new nor is it an uncommon occurrence. Someone else has been at the position that you are in and have survived by the Grace of God and if you doubt me look at the evidence in I Cor. 10:13
We need to stop operating on a whim or a feeling and instead we need to go back to the evidence of God’s word and utilize it. As we look at our role as a mother and as we PUSH for our children remember He will not give you more that you can bear.
Stay tuned for my conclusion of this on next week-Part II
In His Service,
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