Monday, May 7, 2012

Discerning the Times and Seasons: Part 3

As promised we will conclude our discourse on “Discerning the Times and the Seasons”.  The question was asked last week- as to who were the sons of Issachar.  Before I answer this question, let us look at who Issachar was.  Issachar was one of the sons of Leah , who was married to Jacob- the one he really did not like.  Let’s look in the book of Genesis.
Genesis 30: 20 - And Leah said, God hath given me my hire, because I have given my maiden to my husband: and she called his name Issachar.
The Hebrew translation of the name Issachar is “he will bring a reward, man for hire”
Further along in Genesis we are told who the sons of Issachar were by name:
Genesis 46: 13 And the sons of Issachar; Tola, and Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron. 
Why are the sons of Issachar so important when we talk about discerning the times and the seasons?  

I Chron. 12: 32: And of the children of Issachar, [which were men] that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them [were] two hundred; and all their brethren [were] at their commandment.

These men were cognizant of what was happening so at the right time they knew exactly what Israel needed to do when it came to Saul’s successor.  Saul was dead and it was time for David to be crowned king, however the tribe of Benjamin had their own idea of who should be successor.  The sons of Issachar and other leaders from the tribe of Issachar knew that it was time to become part of David’s army to elevate David to the throne of Israel.
It was obvious to these men that Saul had not been a good king and keeping the kingship in the tribe of Benjamin would not be wise.  David by virtue of his character and his ability was definitely the real leader.  He was the type of king Israel needed during the turbulent times they were undergoing.  The sons of Issachar knew what God had said about the scepter coming out of the tribe of Judah.  David was from the tribe of Judah and was more than qualified to be the next king.  The sons of Issachar knew exactly what to do.  They knew that all of the tribes should get together and crown David as the new King of Israel.  What would have happened if these men had not stepped up?
Like the sons of Issachar as leaders, we need to recognize the time and season and know how to choose the right leader in your church, for your country or in your organization.  In order for leaders to be effective it is critical that they understand the time. 

What is happening around you that you are tolerating knowing full well that this is not what God requires?  We must apply the truth of God’s word to our everyday life and culture.  The church should be in a position where they are consulted when it comes to appointing leadership, why because we should have the discernment.

Have you stayed too long at a place, in a job, in a relationship, at a church, an environment not knowing that what you are holding onto is dead and that you need to move on. The time has come to move away from the palace of Saul, and if God has ordained it , it is much better to be in the Cave with David. A new season has arrived and you are not seeing it. Stop trying to plant corn in the winter time or sleep while it is day.

How can we apply the truth of Scripture in a meaningful way to our generation?  Can’t you see the war that is being waged against the truth?  Can you hear how distorted some people relate God’s word so that it makes them feel comfortable in the things that they are doing that the Bible speaks against?  We must arise and speak the truth.  We are in a time when truth has no relevance any more. When Christ is not honored or sought after or presented as the Christ. Understanding the time was not only for the sons of Issachar but it is for us as well.
In order to understand the times and the seasons we need to be consistently in the word of God.  In addition we need to pray and ask God for a revelation of His truths.  We need to ask God for discernment to know when to act. We do not want to miss the opportunity.

I pray that as mothers we will become like the sons of Issachar.

In His Service


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