I cannot over emphasize the importance of consistently praying for our children.
Praying for our children is something that we can do anytime, and anywhere. We can do so whether we are rich, poor, black, white or Hispanic. We can do this in any language we speak – English, Spanish, French, German, Jamaican. Prayer is the universal key that as mothers we have available to us.
Praying for our children is one sure way that we can defeat the enemy. Our children are the trailblazers for tomorrow, and the enemy will try everything that he can to make sure that this does not come to pass. Remember his mission is to steal them from us, and after he steels them he kills them and he does not leave them there he then destroys what he has killed, trying to remove every trace of what was and what is to become.
He has been at this job for ages, He tried this with Joseph but God took him from the pit to the palace. We see him trying to use pharaoh to destroy all the Hebrew babies- but Moses’ mother rose to the occasion and hid Moses by the river, she did not give up. Moses had a future to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Herod tried to destroy Jesus he told the wise men to come back to him after they had found the Christ Child so that He may also go to worship Him, of course he was lying, but God revealed this to the wise men and they did not go back to tell Herod- JESUS the Savior of the WORLD.
We must rise to the occasion, we do not know exactly what God created hem to become but we can agree with Jeremiah 29:11:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Who will we pass the baton to if we allow Satan to bind our children to steal their vision and dreams? Think about it. Can you feel my passion? It is not just about your child, it is much bigger than that it’s about our nation’s children. LET’S P.U.S.H. !!!
In His service,
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