Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Psalm 121

If you read psalm 121 in its entirety we see David assuring himself of help from God (v. 1, 2). He then goes on to assure others as well about this help which is also available to us (v. 3-8).

For the sake of space, I will just highlight one verse – which say He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumbers“

If God keeps our feet from slipping we can translate this to mean that He will enable us to stand.  As you may be well aware there are situations that come upon us that will cause our feet to become shaky. We can be assured that God will not allow us to slip or fall.  This becomes possible only when we place ourselves completely in His care. His keeping power is available to us, but we must allow Him to do the maneuvering.

In those moments when we become weak, those are the moments we can see His strength in operation. When those hurdles come along especially those high ones that you are not able to jump over- do not panic- Allow God to take you over them. In those times when it becomes difficult to see where we are going, when we get thrown into valleys and unfamiliar terrains, know that God specialize in creating pathways for you that will keep you from stumbling.

Psalm 37:23-24 is a good affirmation of this truth- this is what it says: The steps of a man are established by the LORD and He delights in his way.  When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the LORD is the One who holds his hand. 

I Love this.  Even when I fall, because I stray from the path He has created for me, I will not be hurled- or thrown headlong- That is brain damage!!!!

The remainder of verse 3 (Psalm 121) continues to say: He who keeps (protects, guards) you will not slumber.  In other words your guardian will not fall asleep-not even a light sleep or even doze off.  His watchful eyes are never closed. 

Guess what if He does that for you, He does the same for your children.  God has no grandchildren; our children are also His children.  So Keep Pushing for them.

In His Service,


Friday, July 15, 2016

The face of Evil

Over the last couple of years I have seen evil raise its ugly head more and more both nationally as well as internationally. In the last month alone evil seems to be mocking us with a “catch me if you can attitude”

The face of evil was seen in Orlando, Florida; in St Paul, Minnesota; in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; in Dallas Texas and as of yesterday in Nice, France. This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are daily display of evil in many of our cities and states that do not get national attention. The effects are devastating as it impacts so many lives directly and indirectly.

 The bible tells us that in the last days “perilous times” will come - 2Timothy 3:1. However, I don’t want us to stop there, instead I want us to read about something else that will happen in the last days. In Joel 2:28-29 and in Acts 2:17 we see that God will “pour out His Spirit on all Flesh”, our young men will see visions and our old men will dream dreams.

 We can counteract evil with good, let’s pray diligently for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh. Let’s pray for a revival in our hearts, in our homes, our communities, our churches, and at our work places. Let’s genuinely invite God back in our affairs. Do not stop praying when it seems everything has quieted in the news. Do not let down your guard, Satan doesn’t. We must be persistent. If all God’s light and salt in the earth decide to savor and give light- darkness (evil) cannot stand, it cannot comprehend what it sees.  I beseech you to set some time aside daily to pray and keep calling out to God for a change in our land.

In His Service,


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Making the Choice to Forgive

This post is not new it was originally posted April 20, 2013 on my face book page, but I am lead to repost. Not a bad thing because most times we forget what we saw 3 days ago, how much more 3 years ago. In addition I have new friends, why rob them? Lol!

Most of us are able to recite the model prayer found in Mathew 6: 9-13, but how many of us really internalize and meditate on the meaning of those words. Sometimes we get so familiar with something or someone that we take it or them for granted. We fail to pay much attention to details and can really miss some important facts.

I would like to point out 2 very important verses, one being verse 12 "And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors" What am I really saying when I horridly mumble these words? I am interpreting this as asking God to forgive us of our debts/trespasses/transgressions/sins as we forgive those who have transgressed or wronged us. Forgive us in a similar fashion as how we forgive- oops, really?

However, in practicality what we may be saying is- Lord I refuse to forgive Sally who talked about me 2 years ago, I refuse to forgive, my ex-husband for leaving me, my child for breaking that priceless piece of china, or my boss for passing me over for that promotion, and so Lord I expect the same treatment from you.

 Another practical interpretation could be- Lord it was so hard to forgive all these people who over the years have wronged me, but it was not worth holding on to un-forgiveness so with your help forgive them and I know you will do the same for me as well for my many mistakes and wrong doing. 

The second important fact that I want to draw to our attention is not even within the verses of the model prayer, but the verse that comes after (14): For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Being reminded of this I make a conscious choice on a daily basis to ask the Holy Spirit for strength to forgive everyone and every wrong even when it hurts a lot.  I realize that in my flesh I would prefer to choose who and what to forgive and when I forgive them, and so I look to God for the strength to make the right choice and forgive. 

So the next time you say the model – prayer please pay attention to the details.

In His Service,
