Friday, October 30, 2015

Turning back the hands of time

I hope all is well with you and your family. As for myself and family, we are all doing well. God blessed me to celebrate another birthday on Thursday for which I am so grateful.
As you may be aware tomorrow night we turn our clocks back an hour for which most of us are happy as we can always use an extra hour of sleep.
What if we could turn back the hands of time to a particular occasion or period of time in our past? For some of us it may be to a time when we were young and had no responsibility. For some it may be your wedding day and the bliss you felt as you walked down the aisle. Perhaps you want to turn the hands of time back to when your children were young and innocent and cute.
For some of us we wish we could go back to the time just before we made that decision that turned out to be very costly or to the time when we may have said some very harsh words which caused so much pain to a friend or relative or severed a relationship.
Unfortunately turning back the hands of time is only wishful thinking. Our best bet is to use our time wisely. Try to savor our good moments. As much as possible enjoy spending time with your children, your spouse or significant other. Spend less time arguing and more time communicating. We need to speak more kindly and positively to others and less time tearing each other down or speaking negatively to one another. We need to spend time to encourage and praise the efforts of those lives we impact rather than using our time to discourage and put them down. We must use every opportunity we get to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone rather than advance propaganda our own personal agenda.
Don't be like R. Kelly- "If I could turn back time..."

In His Service,



Sunday, October 18, 2015

What is your excuse?

As Human beings we tend to thrive on coming up with excuses. 

There is always an excuse to justify why we are late for work, why we eat so much or so little, why our children behave the way they do. Why we don't go to church or why we keep ripping and running.

Some of these are legitimate but most of them are simple a poor way of saying no. I think we even walk with a pocketful of excuses just in case we need one in a hurry it is in easy reach.

What I realize not only do we have excuses for each other but we also come up with just as many excuses when God has asked us to do something.

Rick Warren puts this best. Here is how he responds in "The Purpose Driven Life" to those who make excuses concerning why they cannot serve the Lord.

"Abraham was old, Jacob was insecure, Leah was unattractive, Joseph was abused, Moses stuttered, Gideon was poor, Samson was co-dependent, Rahab was immoral, David had an affair and all kinds of family problems, Elijah was suicidal, Jeremiah was depressed, Jonah was reluctant, Naomi was a widow, John the Baptist was eccentric, Peter was impulsive and hot-tempered, Martha worried a lot, the Samaritan woman had several failed marriages, Zacchaeus was unpopular, Thomas had doubts, Paul had poor health and Timothy was timid"

 The 12 men called to be God's disciples could have come up also with a lot of excuses as to why they were not fit to serve, but they did not- common men, unimportant folks. In the end they turned the world “upside down” for Jesus.

When Jesus calls us to follow him, He's not looking for the smartest or strongest.  He does not call you because of what is in you but instead of what He can do through you. Feel honored that you were chosen and just watch and see what He can do with your inadequacies. You have no valid excuse!

In His Service,


Thursday, October 15, 2015

T.G.I.T….. The God I Trust

 For the ABC family TGIT is the night when “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Scandal” and “How to get away with murder” comes on. Those who watch these shows drool in anticipation for Thursdays to relax and watch each new episode- Thank God its Thursday.

 There is nothing wrong to use acronyms especially when you need to remember something very important especially when you are studying for a test. For me I still love to use acronyms, I constantly need to be reminded about “The God I Trust”

  I need to be reminded that He is able to keep me from falling at those times when my world appears to be crashing around me.

 I need a reminder when my prayers seemingly go unanswered, that He heard my prayers and answered them before I even called and that His timing is different from mine.  I need to remember that He is always right on time.

 I need a reminder when my job gets overwhelming, that He will provide for me a way of escape.

I need a reminder when those I thought would be there for me disappear, that He promises never to leave me nor to forsake me.

 I need a reminder when I get overly concerned about my child that God has no grandchildren and that my child belongs to God, and that He takes care of His own. I need to know that what concerns me also concerns God.

 It gives me assurance that the “The God I Trust” is faithful, dependable, loves me, cares for me, provides for me, protects me and has me engraved in the palm of His hands.

 What does TGIT means to you?

In His Service,


Friday, October 2, 2015

M-powering Hour

Please join me tomorrow (10/3/2015) for our monthly' M-powering hour 4p- 5pm. Come hear what God is saying to us as we continue to walk in Revelation Knowledge as mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. I am making it easy for you, you do not have to leave your home, or get a baby sitter- all you need to do is get on the phone - yes it's a conference call!

Phone 1-712-432-1500 CC 464397#

Looking forward to what God has in store for us.

God bless,


M-powering Hour

Please join me tomorrow (10/3/2015) for our monthly' M-powering hour 4p- 5pm. Come hear what God is saying to us as we continue to walk in Revelation Knowledge as mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers. I am making it easy for you, you do not have to leave your home, or get a baby sitter- all you need to do is get on the phone - yes it's a conference call.

Phone 1-712-432-1500 CC 464397#

Looking forward to what God has in store for us.

God bless,


Thursday, October 1, 2015

October- breast cancer awareness month

Today marks the beginning of breast cancer awareness month.

Ladies please ask your health care provider about breast cancer screening especially if you have a family history of breast cancer, African American or over the age of 40 years old. 
Men encourage the women you know to go get screened.
If you are a survivor- please take the opportunity to share your story and encourage another woman who may be struggling at the moment with breast cancer.
Facts about Breast Cancer in the United States
• One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
• Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.
• Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.
• Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die.
• Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.
Retrieved from:
Symptoms of breast cancer vary from person to person. Some common breast cancer signs and symptoms include:
• Skin changes, such as swelling, redness, or other visible differences in one or both breasts
• An increase in size or change in shape of the breast(s)
• Changes in the appearance of one or both nipples
• Nipple discharge other than breast milk
• General pain in/on any part of the breast
• Lumps or nodes felt on or inside of the breast
Symptoms more specific to invasive breast cancer are as follows:
• Irritated or itchy breasts
• Change in breast color
• Increase in breast size or shape (over a short period of time)
• Changes in touch (may feel hard, tender or warm)
• Peeling or flaking of the nipple skin
• A breast lump or thickening
• Redness or pitting of the breast skin (like the skin of an orange)
Retrieved from:
