As part of your "back to
school" preparation, please include a time of prayer and fasting for your
children also. Whether they are at home or away at college they constantly
need the divine protection of God. There is so much that they have to contend
with, We need to pray that they make the right choices at all times and not
fall to peer pressure.
Having said all this let
me leave a couple verses with you from Proverbs 3:5-6- Trust in the Lord with
all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
What have you been
trusting God for? Another child, a relationship, a better marriage, a job, your
own home, completing school? Well don't stop trusting God to bring it to
manifestation. Trust requires submission- your will, emotions, feelings
and intellect. These are the things that gets in the way when what you have
asked God for is not coinciding with what it seems like God is actually doing.
As these verses tell us acknowledge God in everything you do and allow Him to
direct your path. We tend to acknowledge Him after we make our move, rather
than before. It is like you seeing someone you know and they look at you, but
do not acknowledge you. How do you feel? Well God does not want us to be saying
we are walking with Him and then totally ignore Him in all our decision making.
Acknowledge that He is there with you, and is working on your behalf behind the
Acknowledge that He knows what
is the best path for you, acknowledge that He loves you, acknowledge His
attributes, Acknowledge that He keeps His promises and that He is not a man
that He should lie. It then makes it so much easier to act when we know these
Please remember to send any prayer request that you may have- nothing is too small or too large for God. You can email me at mpush810@gmail.com
In His Service,