Do you understand- the grave could not hold Him. That very big stone in front of Christ’s tomb simply just rolled away. The Roman soldiers with their staves and clubs and spears were paralyzed, not only was the stone rolled away but their prized possession that Satan was rejoicing about is gone. All that was left behind was the linen clothes He wore and the cloth covering his face which was neatly folded.
Can you hear Satan summoning his angels to an emergency meeting? As a matter a fact, he has fired a bunch of them, reassigned some and sentenced some to hard times. How could they allow this to happen? As Hell’s rejoicing came to a sudden halt, Heaven stood at attention two Angels were standing at their posts in the empty tomb waiting to redirect all those who would be coming to the tomb.
Mary Magdalene and two other women were the first to arrive at the tomb, preparing to properly anoint Christ’s body as they were not able to do so on Friday. Can you imagine there surprise when they arrived and saw that the stone was rolled away? At first they thought that His enemies had stolen the body to further humiliate Him and His followers.
As they entered the tomb the two angels greeted them. The women were frightened but they were assured:
Do not be afraid. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he laid. Then go quickly and tell his disciple that Jesus has risen from the dead. Matthew 28:5-7.
These three women were the first to give the good news to everyone they met including the disciples – “He is Risen- Jesus was alive. These women did not question the fact although they did not see Jesus, they believed. Later and throughout the day Jesus appeared again and again, first to Mary Magdalene, then to Joanna and Mary the mother of James. That evening he appeared to two men walking to Emmaus and showed up unexpectedly in the room where ten of the disciples were hiding. It took about 1400 years to complete this work that God started to redeem mankind, but it was finally accomplished. Death’s icy hand was pried open, and Jesus conquered death, not just for himself, but for anyone that would bet their soul on God’s Passover Lamb.
Reflection: Just as He rose from the dead, so will you and your situations that seem dead and buried come back to life. Have Faith that He who has started a good thing in you will see it to completion. He is Faithful- Walk in His resurrection power. It’s not over-till God says it’s over.
In His Service,