Monday, January 20, 2014

Celebrating a Legend

Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Dr. King’s message was one of non-violence and hope. Dr. King was a great orator and very often, we hear others quoting excerpts from his many speeches. His 1963 “I have a dream speech” appear to be one of the most quoted of his speeches. Dr. King did not live to see his dreams become a reality but so many of us have witnessed and are the recipient of what Dr. King was only able to dream about. I believe that as was said of Abraham in Hebrews 11, we can say it of Dr. King that “this was a man of great Faith”

 Dr. King could have sat back not wanting to get involved, he could have come up with many excuses. "I am a pastor I need to focus on my congregation, and saving souls" perhaps he could have said "I have my beautiful wife and four young children to think about, let the government do something." I am also sure that Dr. King also knew that what he was doing was potentially dangerous, however he took the opportunity to make things happen not just for himself and his family but for so many of us. Dr. King saw injustice and could not sit idly and do nothing.

 Dr. King promoted non-violence, to show that arguments and disagreements do not have to be settled with guns and knives. This great but I am sure difficult stand earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Ironically the very violence he fought against ended his life in 1968.
As we celebrate Dr. Kings life and legacy let us do so with the pride and integrity of which he lived his life. Do not just sit around as another day to rest but volunteer to make it happen for someone else. There is so much more to Dr. King, than his speeches, just as there are so much more to whom Jesus Christ really is beyond being a "good man". He is not just our Savior, but a father and brother. He is the great healer, provider, protector and friend. To sum it all up He is the "I am that I am. " These are things we would never know unless we do some research. Just as we should do more research, and listen to the testimonies of those who knew Dr. King; we must also dig deeper in God’s word, and spend more time with Him in prayer to get to know more of Who He is.

 In the same sense mother, there is so much more to you than what you and other people see on the outside. You are not just a mom washing clothes and cooking the dinner,(as honorable as this may be) you are full of potential. Unfortunately you won’t find it until you tap into that greatness within you as is revealed in God’s word.

 In His Service,



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Perspective for 2014

Today marks the beginning of a New Year and a time for reflection, reprioritizing replacement and rebuilding.

 Reflection: What were you able to accomplish in 2013? Were they things that you planned? Were they things that brought you closer to your goals? Were these things a part of God’s purpose for your life? Were these accomplishments beneficial to others? Was your family adversely affected? Did you lose or gain some friends along the way? Did these accomplishments make you happier? Did these accomplishments strengthen your relationship with God? Did your faith grow stronger?

 Reprioritizing: Instead of starting the year talking about the many things that you would like to do, take a minute to write down at least five things that are most important for you to do. From your list of five -think of that one thing that you must attend to for 2014. This is the thing that you know without a doubt that God is calling you to do. This is the thing that if you are able to accomplish, it will open doors for the fulfillment of other things in your life. Now that you have gotten it, make that your number one priority. Organize the remaining four according to importance. What were the things or who were the people you took for granted in 2013?  How about changing that attitude for 2014?

 Replacement: What are the things in your life that need replacement for 2014?  Do you need to replace your many hours of watching TV, talking on the phone, or being on the internet with perhaps more time reading and studying the word of God, praying, exercising, or doing community service.

 Rebuilding: Is there a wall that got broken down in 2013 that needs to be repaired for 2014?   Can you think of any area of your life that may need some rebuilding or overhaul for 2014?

 Is it Spiritual, physical or psychological? Can you think of someone else that you may have passed broken down along the way that you could help get rebuilt?

 Rebuilding these broken areas may mean that you need to remain on the Potter’s wheel a little longer and allow the Potter to do His job.  Rebuilding may mean that you need to let go and Let God have his way. Rebuilding may even come after you have reflected, reprioritize and replaced-and find that you now have a new image.

In His Service,
