Monday, August 19, 2013


Today is the conclusion to our three-part series on "the mistake of unfaithful stewardship". It is very important that you read all three parts to get a better understanding of what our writer is saying to us


  1. The deception of ownership: whatever you have, you’ve received—God is the owner, we are the stewards
  2. Failure in understanding the heart of the Master and a lack of implicit submission to His will
  3. Recklessness in the usage of things under your care and control—the spiritual riches God will endow on a man are proportionate to his faithfulness in handling insignificant material things (Luke 16:11)
  4. Poor insight into the plans and purposes of God for the future (Genesis 50:20-21; Romans 8:28)
  5. Failure in understanding the principle of sowing and reaping (Galatians 6:7-10)—What seed are you sowing? What harvest are you expecting?  Are you sowing seeds of faithfulness and accountability?
  6. Lack of a heart of sincerity.  Committed love is the key factor to faithfulness.  Unfaithful folks exhibit a lack of committed love in God.


 You will lose the trust of God
  1. You will lose your position and standing before Christ Jesus and others
  2. You will become stagnant as a result of having to stay in the same environment of learning over and over again.
  3. It will affect people’s disposition towards you. They will be reluctant to trust you.
  4. It will delay or hinder your entry into your harvest or rest.


 You must have an understanding of the principle of accountability. Accountability in itself guarantees your promotion or demotion.
  1. You should have an understanding of the principle of reward. You shouldn't be necessarily result-oriented but rather, God-oriented. When you seek solely to please Him, He will reward you.
  2. Having a firm recognition of what true ownership is. God created everything, so He owns everything. Since He is the creator that automatically makes Him the owner of all things. Whatever we possess, He owns it; we must be willing to let go whenever He lays claim to it.
  3. You must live by the principles of value and legacy. How much importance do you place on yourself? Your integrity reflects your personality. What legacy are you leaving behind for posterity? THINK ABOUT IT.


Emmanuel Ngamenji  (guest blogger)

Monday, August 5, 2013


As promised, here is part 2 of the series-as promised. Please enjoy

The mistake of unfaithful stewardship is quite prevalent nowadays because we’ve misunderstood the owner-steward relationship.  I pray the church grasps this truth.  Stewardship has to do with one’s accountability of what God has entrusted to him/her.  This also has to do with anything committed to us by others.  We must be found faithful.  The question is, are we? 

Right decision-making is a key factor in determining our faithfulness as it relates to this concept of stewardship.  Let us explore some of those areas in our lives where we are required to exhibit faithfulness:

 The Area of Natural Talents and GiftsMatthew 25:14-30: Your natural abilities attract and then expose you before great men.  There is therefore a need and call to proper usage.  Everything about and around your life should be a witness to who Jesus is.  He must be the leading expression of your life. 

Spiritual Gifts and the Anointing1 Corinthians 12:7: Many folks today merchandise the spiritual gift and anointing of God on their lives (Matthew 10:8).  They’ve become hirelings in God’s kingdom (Judges 17:10; 18:4).  The sole purpose of the anointing is the glorification of God.   Your intents and motives are determining factors to the continual release of God’s anointing on your life.

Material Things Entrusted to Us by God and FolksLuke 16:11-12:  We must exhibit an attitude of being a channel and not a reservoir of God’s blessings.  We must ensure a free flow of the blessings of God.  To be blessed is to bless others.  The blessing must reach out to others (Genesis 12:2, Acts 20:35).  People commit things into your care because they trust you.  Your unfaithfulness to them misrepresents God; it is a stigma stamped on His name.  By so doing, you create room for doubt concerning your life.  Your integrity is at stake and will always be questionable.  An error could easily be forgiven, but a stigma or scar isn’t easily removed.  You shouldn’t build your life around excuses and apologies because it will break the wall of trust around your life.  Beware! Be warned! Don’t fall a victim!

 Your Household—Your Children (1 Timothy 5:8): If we do not protect our children who constitute an integral part of who we are, then, we are worse than an unbeliever.  Even most unbelievers recognize this obligation.


 Emmanuel Ngamenji