Friday, July 26, 2013

The Mistake of Unfaithful Stewardship

This week we are privileged to have a guest blogger bringing a new two-part series.
 Pastor Emmanuel Ngamenji serves as the head of Christ the Refuge Ministries in Douala, Cameroon.  He operates by the core purpose of growing people for effective service unto God and humanity with the ultimate task of investing in human lives.  Take a look at his in-depth perspective on stewardship:

Children in a marriage are God’s blessings and they serve in cementing the matrimonial home. They should therefore be brought up in the fear, knowledge and admonition of God.
 HE seeks godly offspring….Malachi 2:15. We are partners with God (1 Cor. 3:9),in raising up a godly seed. What honor! He has placed on us. Therefore, it is important for us to know where responsibilities lie.
            OWNERSHIP IS WITH GOD….Psalms 24:1   we are not owners but stewards. HE gives us richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17), so, having kids and raising them, shouldn’t be an endurable experience; but, an enjoyable one. When we realize that they still belong to God, we can rest in the assurance that God also has ultimate responsibility for them. HE does care. Isaiah 49:15...says…"can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.”
  •   STEWARDSHIP IS WITH US….. We are not owners but stewards. A steward manages and takes care of that which belongs to someone else. God owns everything because HE created everything; but as stewards, we manage and take care of it.(Genesis 2:15)

We have an obligation to be faithful stewards…1 Corinthians 4:2 says…” moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” We shall be held accountable; therefore we ought to be reliable, dependable and responsible.

We must understand this Owner – Steward Relationship; for HE is a God of order, and we mustn’t usurp His prerogatives.

One of the ways to activate God’s promises over your life is in proper stewardship…most especially over your children and household. This was the mark of distinction in father Abraham’s life…Genesis 18:19 says “…For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” Did you just see that?...what is it that was spoken to him? To better understand that, lets read the two preceding verses….”And the LORD said, ‘shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing,….since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? ‘For I have known him….’can this be said of you?

In His Service,

Emmanuel Ngamenji 

Monday, July 15, 2013

What's in a name..Conclusion

Today we will conclude our discussion on the meaning of names. As we continue let us focus on the name of Jesus. For the name Jesus: This list is wide, as the names we use tell also of His character or His Titles.  Here are a few: Son of God, Savior, Emmanuel, Lord, lamb of God, Lion of the tribe of Judah, Immanuel, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Everlasting father, Wonderful, Alpha and Omega, anointed one and Amen.
 For the Holy Spirit: He can be -Author of the scriptures, comforter/counselor/advocate, guide, intercessor, conscience, indweller of believers, and revealer.

 I don’t know about you, but I am glad these names have meaning, sometimes I need to use many of them at different times during one single day.  At work sometimes I need to see Him as my banner, when dealing with my children I need revelation and I need guidance, with my spouse it may be a different reason, my friends another reason, and when faced with devastation situations I just need Him as  that I am and I can plug in what I need.
He does not get upset if I am unable to pronounce the name I really want and most times when words cannot come fast enough or I need immediate attention I just call Him Jesus and He understands.
So the next time you have to name your child or asked about the name of your grandchild make sure that you do some research and give a name that has meaning.

In His Service,


Monday, July 1, 2013

What's In a Name? ...Part 2

Most of us are familiar the name Jabez- which seemed to have been made popular through the series “the prayer of Jabez”.  The name Jabez was given because his mother bore him with a lot of pain.  Jabez however was not content for this name to determine his destiny and hence he cried out to God asking God to keep him from harm and that he would be free from pain.
When it comes to the names of things: in one country or region a particular fruit or food may be called one thing and in another country that same fruit or food is known as something else.  Sometimes the use of that food may be completely different from country to country.  Some people will use it one way because they have no knowledge or experience of how else it can be used, until educated about it. 
This reminds me of the different names that we call the one True God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as the various ways in which we may use these names.
For the name God: here are some frequently used names: Yahweh (I am, who I am), Adonai (Lord), El, (plural form for God),Elhoim (creator) Jehovah (most High), El Elyon (Most High); El Roi( God who sees); El Shadai (All sufficient), Yahweh-jireh (Yahweh will provide or  I am will provide); Yahweh -rapha (Yahweh who heals), Yahweh -nissi (Yahweh my banner); Yahweh-shalom (Yahweh is Peace).
In His Service,