Maybe your children are all grown up and have moved into their own homes, and have their own families. All of a sudden you have so much time on your hand. So you volunteer to be on the usher board, deaconess ministry and teach Sunday school. Oh wait I have a couple more hours to spear, so I run to this meeting, that meeting, is a member of this prayer group and before long; you are back where you were when the children were home, tired, and drained. You lay across the bed for just a little bit, but gets awaken by someone snoring, oh that was me, I better just get on my pajamas and go to bed, and as my head touched the pillow, “lord thank you for today- Amen. I should really pray for my children, but God knows how very tired I am, I will do it tomorrow night. Oh I did say I would read Vilma's blog tonight , ah well, I'll do it another time, when I am more awake.
Am I speaking to anybody? This looks like it was written by someone with experience! Yes I have been there, done that, but not wearing that T shirt anymore. What am I saying? Praying for our children is a decision. We must re-prioritize our lives so that we make the time to prayer regularly for our children. So for today, how about we pray for our children’s mothers. Let us pray for their wisdom, strength, and for their ability to make right decisions in their daily encounters.
Father, I thank you for my children’s mother. I thank you that you love her so much to bless her womb with the gift of children. I thank you that you trusted her to care for these gifts and to help propel them into their destiny. I pray for the manifestation of her wisdom, her strength and her decision making. Help her never to get weary in praying consistently and offensively for her children. Father, I realize that I am praying for myself right now, not my children, but in order to do right by them, like David I am encouraging myself. Father I give you the glory and I give you the praise and I thank you for answered prayers.
In his service,